9/10/11: Kingdom Way

1/4: Way of God hasn't changed from the beginning; Abraham, Moses, Christ - all doing the same; "Walking in Eden" is for today - you're walking there now, or you're not following THE Way; "The Kingdom of God" is "the right to be ruled by God" = the way God rules = with a gentle hand - God is about choice; Nothing you can do so God owes you salvation; Lots you can do to be saved, and lots you can do to NOT be saved; Forgive in order to be forgiven = doing will of Father; You have no power over God; One way people try gaining power over God is to?; Character of God is "Giver of life" - not taker of life; God was patient w/Cain, but did not strive forever; Same with us, and we should be same with others; Pharisaical way is great distraction so we don't have to let Spirit guide - since we have the rule book; "Anointed" or "Christ", is an office; "Name" is "Character" ("Spirit"); Why Judean soldiers mocked Christ, etc.; Hue and cry = everyone to do something about it; Court watch - just one being there is enough, but, two or more is...; Kingdom of God has tax too; Can't take away choice; Kingdom of God is government of perfect law of liberty; You have right to support it or not; You give to individual Ministers who has right to decide use; Yes, corruption can come in, but it's our job to watch against that; 2/4: Constitution parallels Rome at time of 1st emperors; Indirect democracy is not a republic; Government is how you govern yourself; Israel very unique - autonomous families coming together; Every man to be enforcer of government; Little flock called "Princes"; Cities of refuge/redress; Christians not exercising responsibilities; Coveting = The Way...of the Beast; Men we've elected not tending to weightier matters is OUR fault!; Stop BEING the beast; "'Accepting' Christ" is a process of ongoing right choices; Gather with others to serve others; Communism/affluence has changed nothing; Can't see/get into Kingdom unless we change; Must be doers = not only not do harm, but actively doing good; Give, forgive, etc. freely w/love, not contrivances; Cast bread on water with nothing but hope it will come back = HUGE change; Devil wants us constipated with spiritual power - not giving it away; Wants us selfish, so he can eat us; There's more to homeschooling...like...; You don't have every skill; Everyone on email network should strive toward CoRs that are actually doing work of government; Step by step - steadily moving in that direction, or will never make it...ourselves; 3/4: Talking Kingdom over and over to better know what we're looking for; For living - now; Seeking weightier matters and attending to them, not sitting around having nice thoughts about someone; Actually be government of God (care for one another); Give support to get others to network; If we want people found: going to have to help, or do it ourselves; Signs in the Sun; CoRs are our Faith Emergency Ministerial Auxiliary (FEMA); Principal not limited to this network; Don't need numbers - need Christ; Durham wheat crop down; GMO = one of greatest threats to world; Back to "truth in labeling"...Christians will lead the way in this - if tending to weightier matters; Meet others making "kingdom tracks"; Extended network = any "not far from kingdom"; Generations effected; Monsanto messing with wheat too?; Bigger gardens/gardening clubs in every town; Seed Savers group through network; Getting cheaper to grow food in gardens if done right; CSAs, and farmers in the country are part of extended network; MoRs and PCMs, lead folks in these ways; Prepare for yourself by helping others prepare; 4/4: "Calendars" are big deal - to some; Most importantly, show up...; Passover = domestic and community relations, Tabernacles = larger, nationwide, alliances - point being to cultivate bonds, bring society together, support Levites = strengthen charitable governmental system; Valleys defeated when got away from international feasts; Tithingmen; "Essenes" most in accord to teachings of Christ; Cornerstone of faith of Christ and Patriarchs rooted in PRACTICALITY; The calendar chosen should guide in ways of Christ; These precepts upon precepts bring close to God; Feasts is example of practicality - they establish and build upon relationships; Does your position on calendar issues divide/ keep you from weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy and faith?; Calendar will either be life giving, or a millstone around our necks; Tools, but not to beat neighbor; Creating soil with worms; The real treasure is the people building the network - who love their neighbor...

Om Podcasten

"Keys of the Kingdom" is a 1 hour (now 2 hour) radio program produced by Brother Gregory of His Holy Church. This program is devoted to talking about the Kingdom of God - what it is, where it is, and how to get there. Christ said that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Which means you can reach out and touch it. He told the Pharisees he would take the Kingdom from them and give it to a nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof. He appointed unto his "little flock" (apostles) a Kingdom. He told us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means now, not waiting until after we die. Does this sound good to you? Then listen further... "Keys of the Kingdom" is broadcast weekly (Saturday mornings - 10AM Central Time) on First Amendment Radio. First Amendment Radio retains exclusive rights to the program for 9 days from airing, then we can make it available to you.