9/23/23: Leaving Judgement to God

God's righteousness; Man's government corruption; Corruption among the people; Dysphoria with the truth; Standing up for truth; Challenging yourself; Raising adults; The allure of legal charity; The welfare snare; Coveting your neighbors' goods; Cities of blood; Just weights and measures; Striving for the kingdom; The 1971 "Jesus movement"; Working righteousness; Seeing your problem; "Conversation" (politumei) = kingdom citizenship; Free assemblies of peculiar people; Freewill offerings; Fleshpots - biting your neighbor; Body of Christ; Daily ministration; Tables of rulers; Loving your neighbors; Kingdom vs congregation; Prodigal sons; Conversation with each other; Ideologies; False Christs; Tree of Life; Emotional revival?; Revelation about YOU; Mechanism of Science; Selling yourself into bondage; One purse; Moving to "cities"; Civil governments; Commander-in-chief; Taking responsibility for your sin; Sharing truth; Letting go of anger; Forgiveness; Adultery; Usurping God; Ideological subversion; "Love"?; Sacrificing; Ten Commandments; Blaming others; Listening to Holy Spirit; Vanity vs humility; 1066 William the conqueror; Taking oaths; Who crowned William?; Diving right of Kings; Saul's folly; Clergy of Constantine; Setting the captive free; Festivals; Protection draws subjection; The "world" of Rome; Opportunities of giving to others; The gods of your system; Insolvency of Social Security; Allowing your neighbor's right to choose; Ex 23:32; "Put to death" metaphor; Altars; Love vs force (Totalitarianism); Prov 1:10; Swear not - stop taking oaths; Why people are in bondage; Your "conversation"; When America was great; Returning responsibility to family; Christ's "weightier matters"; Corban of the Pharisees; Is your church comfortable?; Taxation is covetousness; Repentance; Jury nullification; Right reason = will of God; The Love of Christ; Thinking "kingdom"; World temples; Where the Gospel begins; The walking dead; Families bound by love; Loving truth; Share; Leave judgement to God.

Om Podcasten

"Keys of the Kingdom" is a 1 hour (now 2 hour) radio program produced by Brother Gregory of His Holy Church. This program is devoted to talking about the Kingdom of God - what it is, where it is, and how to get there. Christ said that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Which means you can reach out and touch it. He told the Pharisees he would take the Kingdom from them and give it to a nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof. He appointed unto his "little flock" (apostles) a Kingdom. He told us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means now, not waiting until after we die. Does this sound good to you? Then listen further... "Keys of the Kingdom" is broadcast weekly (Saturday mornings - 10AM Central Time) on First Amendment Radio. First Amendment Radio retains exclusive rights to the program for 9 days from airing, then we can make it available to you.