9/3/22: The Salvation Solution
Seeking truth; Salvation/survival; Kingdom of heaven at hand; Israelites?; Essenes?; Sacrifice - forced or freewill; What will save us?; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Principles of the kingdom; Pentecost; Christ the king; Golden Calf; Canaanites; David and Goliath; Practicality of the bible message; Learning liberty; Relying on each other; Leaving Egypt; "Logos" vs "Rema"; Apostles in the Temple; Levites; Caring for the needy; Born Again or under strong delusion?; Fervent charity; Power of righteousness; Thinking like Christ; Tricking you into bondage; Inalienable rights hampered by debt; Lying pastors; Pure (unspotted) religion; Degenerating your brain; The real love of Christ; Bishop Ambrose; Church of Constantine; Are you living by faith, hope and charity?; Rome ruined by public religion; Burnt offerings; Agape; Do your pious duty.