Ep 217 | The Case for a National Popular Vote | Guest: Saul Anuzis

Election integrity, fairness, and representation are increasingly important issues in the minds of American voters, with several recent presidential election results mired in controversy and an unwillingness to accept the results. One point of contention with many is that the candidate who receives the most votes nationally does not always end up becoming president. Saul Anuzis, senior adviser for National Popular Vote, believes that changing this would result in a system that better represents the desires and interests of the American people. He and Matt Kibbe discuss whether a national popular vote would help to enfranchise more people and reduce pandering to swing states, or whether the current Electoral College system is necessary to protect the interests of rural voters.

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Kibbe on Liberty is a weekly podcast with libertarian author and economist, Matt Kibbe. Kibbe believes that honest conversations, driven by intellectual curiosity and mutual respect, can ignite a new revolution of free thinking and a willingness to question the official narrative. That means talking, and listening, to a wide variety of people outside the echo chamber of officially sanctioned experts.  Kibbe on Liberty's guests include politicians, economists, musicians, comedians, writers, radio personalities, activists, journalists, and even magicians—with topics of conversation ranging from current affairs to obscure philosophy, from craft beer to the Grateful Dead. Cold one in hand, settle in for the next brain-stimulating hour of Kibbe on Liberty. As the president of Free the People, Kibbe has decades of experience in the libertarian political sphere. He is the author of three books, including Don’t Hurt People and Don’t Take Their Stuff, a #2 NY Times Best Seller. Kibbe is a fanatical DeadHead, drinker of great whisky, and collector of obscure books on Austrian economics.