3 Unhelpful Things We Say to Kids

Ever found yourself saying "Because I said so" to your child or student? Perhaps you've labelled them as "acting like a 'brat' or a 'jerk'"? Voicing our frustrations is a common habit, but is it truly helping us communicate effectively with our children? I'm Dr. Beth Trammell, a seasoned psychologist and an associate professor at Indiana University East. Today, I'm flipping the script on those often-used phrases and exploring how we can make our words matter for good. Drawing from personal anecdotes and years of experience, I'll be sharing practical strategies for those challenging moments. You'll get to understand the impact of our words on children’s behavior and self-perception. Whether you're a parent or an educator, this is your chance to reevaluate the way you communicate with the children in your life and make your words truly count. So, buckle up and join me for an enlightening conversation that promises to change the way you communicate with kids for the better.Check out THREE MORE UNHELPFUL things we say to kids at:www.bethtrammell.com/blogBlog — Beth Trammellwww.makewordsmatterforgood.com

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Tools for supporting children's mental health with Dr. Beth Trammell, PhD, HSPP