To Infinity and Beyond - Kinky History Joins the Mile High Club

Universal orgasms, alien spunk, black holes and tentacle porn. This episode will have you seeing stars as I team up with friend, astrophysicist and fellow academic Kirsten Banks to talk all things kinky space. And would you believe neither of us made a joke about Uranus! Follow Kinky History on everything & contact Esme here Subscribe to Kinky History Uncensored here Contact Kirsten here and follow Kirsten on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter Get 20% off with the code GETKINKYWITHNORMAL at NORMAL  See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Kinky History is a podcast series that explores the evolution of human sexuality - from scandalous stories from the Ancient World to the saucy secrets of famous figures. By speaking openly about these topics in a way that is educational, entertaining, and accessible, Kinky History aims to erase dangerous taboos which still exist around identity, gender, and sexuality. Esmé created her "Kinky History" series on TikTok in October 2020. It has since grown to a following of over 2.5 million people from around the globe.