61 // Your identity in life and the limitations you unknowingly create

In this episode of the Soul Quest Podcast, I share with you why you may feel like you've been trudging through mud recently, where happiness comes from, the limitations that you carry in life, where your self worth comes from and how your identity is shaped in life. Learn more about the Soul Quest Retreat --> https://kirbybe.kartra.com/page/NZX300 Sign up for 21SHIFT --> https://kirbybe.kartra.com/page/21shift JOIN EMAIL LIST ---> https://kirbybe.kartra.com/page/newsletter

Om Podcasten

The Energy Rich Podcast is hosted by Kirby Be, an internationally recognized leader in self-healing, energetics, and higher consciousness. This podcast is for the woman dedicated to growing and aligning with her highest and best self, awakening deeper within, and leveling up and attracting the abundant life she’s always desired. Learn how to transform and BE the woman you always wanted to be. How to have it all financially, physically, and internally. Fill your cup daily with topics like spirituality, energy healing, astrology, personal development, energetics, higher consciousness, an