When Clients Are Tempted By The Siren-Song Of (A Competitor's) Investment Results: Kitces & Carl Ep 114

For many financial advisors, keeping an open line of communication with clients is a key component of building trust, understanding the client’s values, and developing a meaningful plan to help them reach their financial goals. In our 114th episode of Kitces & Carl, Michael Kitces and client communication expert Carl Richards discuss ways for financial advisors to talk to clients tempted by promises of higher returns from other financial professionals, how they can ensure that all clients stay focused on the goals their financial plans were created to help them achieve, and why it’s so important to remind clients of their actual value.    For full show notes, see kitces.com and thesocietyofadvice.com.

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A no-holds barred conversation for Real Financial Advisors with industry nerd Michael Kitces and client communication expert Carl Richards. One draws with a Sharpie, the other nerds out with spreadsheets, and both provide you with unique perspectives so that you can more effectively communicate with and serve your clients, run a more fulfilling practice, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.