KSCGSF Catch-Up DHP, Thor, and Trimpe
Welcome to a long overdue, severely delayed episode of King-Size Comics, Giant-Size Fun, KSCGSF for short! I am your host Kyle Benning and looking back it’s been about 11 freaking weeks since I put out an episode! This time out I catch you up on what I've been up to, talk a bit about the DHP show, discuss the Jurgens, JMS, Conway, and Fraction Thor runs, and close out with some reflection on the late, great Herb Trimpe. Feedback for the podcast can be left at the blog & show headquarters: kingsizecomicgiantsizefun.blogspot.com Be sure to follow the podcast page on facebook, just search for King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun and follow me on twitter @ KyleBenning_Art This podcast is made for entertainment purposes only, no money is made or derived from this podcast, all characters discussed, songs and sound clips are copyright of their respective owners, and used under fair use, no infringement is intended.