Tales from the Golden Age: Spectre vs. Kulak!

This time out I continue my coverage of All-Star Comics #2 from August 1940, this time with it's the third feature from All-Star Comics #2, which stars the Spectre. 
As you heard in the Promos in this episode, be sure to check out:

The Power of Fishnets Podcast

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This podcast is made for entertainment purposes only. All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended, so please don’t sue me.

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A retrospective look at various comic books through the ages. New content currently focuses on the hidden golden age of Marvel Comics that lasted from 1998 to 2003 and the amazing Busiek Avengers, Waid Captain America, and Jurgens Thor (and many more) comic runs during that time.