Chris Burden: You Had To Be There

Chris Burden spent much of the 1970s creating wince-inducing performance art, and then evolved into a creator of stunning sculptural objects. The importance of the performative element was never lost in the transition though and his entire catalogue is filled with gems that demand a physical presence and attendance. Kunst Please is a micro-dose of modern art history. Tune in every fortnight for an exploration into the more unexpected side of modern art, featuring stories of the famous and the infamous, the weird and the wonderful, the unheard, the cult, the criminally overlooked and the criminally insane. Created and produced by Jonathan Heath. Follow the gallery space on Instagram @kunstplease

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Kunst Please is a micro-dose of modern art history. An exploration into the more unexpected side of modern and contemporary art, featuring stories of the famous and the infamous, the weird and the wonderful, the unheard, the cult, the criminally overlooked and the criminally insane.