59: Exponential Thinking with Naveen Jain

The more you learn, the more dots you can connect.

How do you become an exponential thinker? What does it mean to be an exponential thinker or a really BIG thinker?

We talk a lot about how our life is a reflection of our thinking. This is the millennium of the mind. We get paid to think. It’s not our brute strength, but brain strength.

I’m very honored to bring my friend, Naveen Jain, on this episode to share with you some of the ideas to becoming an exponential thinker.

He is a very successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and created a number of businesses including, Moon Express, the only company in the world given permission to leave Earth’s orbit and land on the moon.

Strap in as we share some of the principles and ideas of exponential thinking, and how you can train yourself to think exponentially.

If you would like to learn more about Naveen’s company and assess your own microbiome, then visit www.viome.com/kwik 

** The only purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. This podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. ** 

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Kwik Brain is a fun, fast-paced show designed to help busy people learn and achieve anything in a fraction of the time! Your coach, Jim Kwik (his real name), is the brain & memory trainer to elite mental performers, including many of the world’s leading CEO’s and celebrities. In this easy to digest bite-sized podcast, you will discover Kwik’s favorite shortcuts to read faster, remember more, and ‘supercharge’ your greatest wealth-building asset: your brain. Whether you’re a student, senior, entrepreneur or educator, you will get the edge with these simple actionable tools to sharpen your mind, enhance your focus, and fast-track your fullest potential. Get show notes, Jim’s latest brain-training, and submit your questions in our private community (free) at: www.KwikBrain.com Jim Kwik is the founder of KwikLearning.com, a widely recognized world leader in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning with students in over 150 countries. After a childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, Kwik created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose.