A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer

What is a typical day in the life like for a software engineer? To close out Season 6, we thought it’d be a great idea to give you some insight into our workdays, as we all have very different roles and are in different stages of our careers. Show Notes [02:54] Morning routines [16:09] Beginning of the workday [28:15] The rest of the workday [49:03] Evenings and weekends [53:57] Top 3 tools for productivity Resources Any.do Fantastical Canva Things Superhuman Trello Apple Watch Markdown Notes Asana Resilient Management Animedoro Can Do writing The Little Memory Ali’s Trello Setup Transcript Here is this week's transcript

Om Podcasten

Back after a two-year hiatus, engineering leaders Emma Bostian and Kelly Vaughn return for Season 7 of the Ladybug Podcast, giving you a deep dive into all things engineering leadership. With nearly 1 million total listens, Ladybug Podcast covers tech, career, and code, bringing unique viewpoints from a variety of guests and co-hosts. Check out our website!