20: Laziness

Lazy evaluation is not normally something you hear programmers discussing but there is a lot of power available if you know how to use it. This episode we'll examine the differences between lazy and strict evaluation and look at use cases for laziness. Episode 20 patrons: Marcus Nielsen Steven Loe Ted Yavuzkurt Michael Meyers Szymon Beczkowski Parl Naranja Paul Brabban Jason Sooter Show Notes: Memoization: https://codeburst.io/functional-memoization-in-javascript-adec62508bd0 Using IEnumerable in C# to generate an infinite sequence: https://brianreiter.org/2011/01/14/ienumerable-is-lazy-and-thats-cool/ FP Chat Slack Community: https://fpchat-invite.herokuapp.com

Om Podcasten

LambdaCast is a podcast about functional programming for working developers. Our focus is to describe concepts using clear everyday language without watering anything down. If you've ever been curious about FP but were turned off by the jargon or unfamiliar concepts, this is the place to be. Thoughts, comments, critique? Send them to contact@lambdacast.com Music is "Lively Lumpsucker" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Icon is a modification of "Communicator" by Juan Pablo Bravo (https://thenounproject.com/term/communicator/47500/) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License