154. How Marina Mogilko Got $1.7M In Funding In Exchange For 5% Of Her Future Earnings

Marina Mogilko is a YouTuber and entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley. She’s a familiar face in the creator economy because of her poplular videos on channels like Silicon Valley Girl, LinguaMarina and per personal channel Marina Mogilko, but also because of her strong network in the startup world. In this episode you’ll learn: - How Marina got a $1.7M investment in her creator career - How her channels are blowing up thanks to viral YouTube shorts - What are the benefits of living in Silicon Valley and LA (are we missing out?) You can find her courses on becoming a YouTube manager, creating effective YouTube shorts and building a YouTube channel on her website: https://marinamogilko.co/ For more interviews and to learn more about how we can help you with your business: https://creatorsmarts.com/

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