SAMPLE Part 2 Prayer That Turns The Tide

Purchase the download here! "I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth." —Isaiah 62:6-7 Prayer is the vehicle that God has ordained to implement his will in the earth. Intercession in line with God's will is one of the most exciting and meaningful things that anyone can do. That is why He is calling us to be watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem. Here are three of our most powerful messages that will inspire you to pray and intercede for Israel and the nations. SESSIONS (3 MP3 files) - Birthpains of the Messiah - Prayer That Turns the Tide - God's Times & Seasons ABOUT THE SPEAKER Lars Enarson, a native of Sweden, has been an author and Bible teacher with a prophetic voice since the 1970’s. Lars is the founder and president of the Watchman International (, a ministry dedicated to “prepare the way for the Lord.” He is based in Israel, teaching and mobilizing prayer for Israel by way of Seminars, books, and TV-programs.

Om Podcasten

Lars Enarson är verksam sedan 70-talet som bibellärare och internationell förbönsledare med en klar profetisk röst. Sedan 1997 arbetar han utifrån Israel med en längtan att få se en återupprättelse i vår tid av det apostoliska evangeliet från Jerusalem. Lars är författare till flera böcker och hans TV-program sänds via olika TV kanaler i USA och Europa både på engelska och svenska. Han reser över världen och undervisar om Israel och det profetiska ordet.