136: Pros & Cons of a Quarterly Subscription Box

“Is it better to have a monthly or quarterly subscription box?”  This question comes up a lot inside Launch Your Box and on the How to Start a Subscription Box public Facebook page. The truth is, there is no one answer to this question. No right or wrong when it comes to choosing a monthly or quarterly box. There’s only the answer that’s right for you.  Your answer to whether a monthly or quarterly box is right for you and your business depends on your goals for your business and what is most important to you as a business owner.  Each model has its benefits and its drawbacks. It’s important to understand both before making a decision about the frequency of your subscription box.  The pros and cons of a quarterly subscription box: 1. Revenue Con - a quarterly subscription model can cause financial strain during the “off” months.  Pro - you can typically charge more for a quarterly box, allowing for greater profit and more revenue. 2. Curation/Products   Pro - you only have to curate a box four times a year!  Pro - your subscriber only gets four boxes a year to consume. This can lead to greater subscriber satisfaction and less churn. 3 3. Frequency/Recency  Con - lack of engagement. The time between each box can cause a sense of disengagement for subscribers. They’re not getting the constant reminders of something new coming like they do with monthly boxes.  Con - not having enough content. It can be very challenging to stretch out the content from one box to last for three months until the next box comes out. Content can get stale.  4. Time    Pro - the monthly grind of curation/fulfillment/customer service is a full-time commitment. A quarterly box allows you the space and freedom to do other things.  Top cons of a quarterly subscription box: No monthly recurring revenue. Lack of engagement in your community. Lack of content to market and promote your box and brand consistently.  Top pros of a quarterly subscription box:  Ability to charge more for a quarterly box, increasing the amount of revenue per box.  Only have to curate four boxes a year instead of 12.  Subscribers are less likely to cancel due to inability to consume the box.  You get a break from the curation/fulfillment/customer service cycle.  We’ve talked about monthly and quarterly boxes and the pros and cons of each. But, there is one other option and it seems to be gaining in popularity: bi-monthly subscription boxes. Bi-monthly boxes are curated and fulfilled every other month. Some subscription box owners and subscribers find this to be just the right balance between a monthly box and a quarterly box.  Join me for this episode as I talk about why there’s not an easy answer to the question, “Is it better to have a monthly or quarterly subscription box?” and walk you through the pros and cons of each.  Join me in all the places:  Facebook Instagram Launch Your Box with Sarah Website  Are you ready for Launch Your Box? Our complete training program walks you step by step through how to start, launch, and grow your subscription box business. Join today! Get 30 Days FREE when you switch to Subbly: https://join.subbly.co/sarah-williams  Use code LAUNCHWELCOME at https://www.boxup.com/ to get 10% off your first order

Om Podcasten

8 years ago I had a dream to start a Subscription Box service full of goodies for women to treat themselves and nurture the importance of self care. It took me a full 18 months to make it happen! I was paralyzed by ‘all the things’ I had to figure out with no one to turn to for guidance. That is why I created Launch Your Box! Maybe you need some direction on how to begin, or you are ready to grow your subscriber base. Either way, it all starts with an idea that can turn into a constant reoccurring revenue, a raving fan base, and a business to love. I will help you... Take your first steps and know where to start. Figuring out the logistics: packing, shipping, boxes, oh my! Learn how to launch, from idea to sales. Scale that box to the next level, go big or go home!