Building and Selling an Enterprise-Level Product with Adi Ekshtain of Amaryllis

Ekshtain is one of the pioneers of FinTech, beginning his career in electronic payments back in 1999, a full ten years before the iPhone was rolled out. He has worked in the payment industry and knows every nook and cranny that makes it tick, every cog and gear that makes it turn. With this information, he created a solution. Now, enterprise-level companies can become payment facilitators, allowing savings on development time and transforming it into a revenue-generating platform for them. This podcast explores Ekshtain’s journey and thought process, how he interacts with enterprise-level customers, and how he takes care of his team.Innovators and business leaders looking to find great ideas to solutions at all levels will learn a ton from Ekshtain and his journey.Website - Amaryllispay.comLinkedIn - Adi Ekshtain - Boynton Beach, Florida | Professional ProfileTwitter - @adiepay Gain some great insight on FinTech and enterprise-level solutions by listening to this podcast. Check out the

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A weekly show where we bring you interviews and in the weeds expertise from today’s B2B experts and thought leaders. You can see more about today’s episode and guest by visiting our website at Topics for the show include: B2B leadership, B2B Tech, B2B SaaS, B2B CEO's, Venture-Backed Startups, B2B Growth, Analytics, Demand Generation, B2B Marketing, and more.