On Building a Successful Saas Startup with Trent Whatcott of AlarmHive
Self-declared as unemployable, Trent seized his differences and utilized it to surround himself with the right team to develop the idea of AlarmHive. With over 5000 alarm installations a month, the team noticed the tremendous opportunity in the market. Working only for a potential equity share, they tirelessly worked to create the 'MVP' product to put out on the market. Trent himself worked the first two years without earning a cent."Use your own money first, and get it to a point where you've got your MVP. Outsource your development, but with a group that you trust."Trent discusses their decisions on not seeking capital in the early stages while involving early customers in its progression and development. Give this episode a listen to hear Trent continue with brilliant marketing advice and also recap the pricing debacle they faced while reiterating their focus on building their product around the customer experience.Want to gain fresh, innovative perspectives and insights from captains of the tech industry? Drop by and say hello at LeadersOfB2B.com.