Rethinking the legal industry with Raj Goyle of Bodhala

Raj Goyle, CEO of Bodhala has taken on the Herculean task of using technology and data to the conservative and deliberate legal industry with the hope of reducing legal fees for everyone. We talk about Bodhala, what inspired him to start this up, and what challenges await him.Goyle talks about how the legal industry, in all its years of existence, still remains slow to innovate particularly in the standardization of its pricing structure. This approach has had lasting repercussions not only to the legal industry but especially to corporate and entrepreneurial America.The development of his company, Bodhala, empowers the buyer’s side by arming them with the capability to transparently view prevailing legal rates across different firms for a multitude of services. This has never been seen before in the industry and establishes equilibrium in the legal marketplace.Whether you’re a small business or a part of a large corporation, you’ll need to avail of the legal system at one point or another, for contract enforcement, agreements, or anything similar. Learn more about Bodhala, their journey, and how this revolutionary product can benefit you.  Want to gain fresh, innovative perspectives and insights from captains of the tech industry? Drop by and say hello at episode is brought to you by Content Allies. We help B2B tech companies build and run revenue-generating podcasts. We set you up with weekly interviews with your ideal prospects and strategic partners. You show up and have engaging conversations, we handle everything else.Contact us to learn more at

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