Being Brown in a Black And White World with Annemarie Shrouder (MDE448)
Annemarie Shrouder is an international speaker, consultant and facilitator on Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. She's also author of "Being Brown in a Black and White World: Conversations for Leaders on Race, Racism and Belonging," released in April 2021. Om this conversation, we discuss the journey inside her book, the trials and tribulations she faced, the Both/And and the Value of Three concepts, and her work with business leaders to help stimulate change, drive motivation and create impact. If you've got comments or questions you'd like to see answered, send your email or audio file to; or you can find the show notes and comment on If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes or your favourite podcast channel, to rate/review the show. Otherwise, you can find me @mdial on Twitter.