Navigating the Never Normal - Uncommon Ideas with Greg Verdino (MDE390)
Minter Dialogue Episode #390 Greg Verdino is a Business Futurist & Digital Transformation Expert, Keynote Speaker, Advisor and author who just released his latest book, NEVER NORMAL: Uncommon Ideas for Leaders Who Won't Settle for the Status Quo. In this conversation, we discuss what it takes to navigate these treacherously changing times, the concept of "zeg" or the day after tomorrow, how to effectively be innovative, and much more around his new book. A stimulating chat. If you've got comments or questions you'd like to see answered, send your email or audio file to; or you can find the show notes and comment on If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to rate/review the show on RateThisPodcast. Otherwise, you can find me @mdial on Twitter. Support the show (