A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles

John and Wayne discuss some big picture thoughts about the current racial situation in America. How do we move beyond some of the tension so many feel around this subject? They talk about some of the problems, potential solutions and each of our own personal roles in moving things forward in a godly and biblical way.  Follow us on Instagram:  Pastor John (@johnsiebeling) Pastor Wayne (@waynefrancis) Podcast (@leadershipinblackandwhite). If you want to ask John and Wayne a question, you can email it to parker@leadershipinblackandwhite.com.

Om Podcasten

Leadership in Black and White is a weekly podcast hosted by John Siebeling and Wayne Francis. John and Wayne talk to leaders about how to lead in the gray areas of life and develop you as a Christian leader. Leadership in Black and White is powered by World Vision.  Learn how World Vision partners with the local church at worldvision.org/blackandwhite2024