Deal With This or Watch Your Year Get Derailed
Leadership in Black and White is powered by World Vision. Learn how World Vision partners with the local church at You've set your goals, and you've made your resolutions, but have you addressed the hidden things waiting to derail your year? In this episode, John and Wayne talk about things that, if not dealt with soon, will derail your 2024. From sin to sarcasm, to screentime, and much more, they dive deep into some obvious and some not-so-obvious habits that will get you off track. Follow us on Instagram for more great leadership content: Pastor John (@johnsiebeling), Pastor Wayne (@waynefrancis), and Podcast (@leadershipinblackandwhite). Get your copy of John and Wayne's book: God and Race at or wherever books are sold. Leave a rating and review to give us your feedback and help the show continue to grow!