End of Year Mailbag

In this mailbag episode, John and Wayne answers questions from listeners like: how to be patient with God's timing, how to make big decisions, dealing with transition on the team and more. Send in a question for next month's mailbag episode by emailing parker@leadershipinblackandwhite.com or by DM'ing us on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram for more great leadership content: Pastor John (@johnsiebeling), Pastor Wayne (@waynefrancis), Podcast (@leadershipinblackandwhite). Leave a rating and review to give us your feedback and help the show continue to grow!

Om Podcasten

Leadership in Black and White is a weekly podcast hosted by John Siebeling and Wayne Francis. John and Wayne talk to leaders about how to lead in the gray areas of life and develop you as a Christian leader. Leadership in Black and White is powered by World Vision.  Learn how World Vision partners with the local church at worldvision.org/blackandwhite2024