The Anatomy of an Affair

John and Wayne talk about the importance of healthy marriages in leadership. They dissect the anatomy of an affair - what are the steps that lead to unfaithfulness? No one plans to have affair when they start a marriage, yet they happen at an alarming rate. John and Wayne talk through important guardrails for avoiding the destruction of a marriage.  Follow us on Instagram: Pastor John (@johnsiebeling), Pastor Wayne (@waynefrancis), Podcast (@leadershipinblackandwhite).  If you want to ask John and Wayne a question, you can email it to Order your copy of John and Wayne's new book, God & Race, at

Om Podcasten

Leadership in Black and White is a weekly podcast hosted by John Siebeling and Wayne Francis. John and Wayne talk to leaders about how to lead in the gray areas of life and develop you as a Christian leader. Leadership in Black and White is powered by World Vision.  Learn how World Vision partners with the local church at