To My 20-Year-Old Self

For the month of July, John and Wayne kick off a new series of episodes all about leadership through the decades of life. Each week, they talk directly to leaders in different stages of life. This week, they're talking to those who are leading in their 20s. They discuss what life looked like for them during that season, things they learned and what they would say directly to a young adult leader today. Follow us on Instagram for more great leadership content: Pastor John (@johnsiebeling), Pastor Wayne (@waynefrancis), Podcast (@leadershipinblackandwhite).  Order your copy of John and Wayne's book, God & Race, at

Om Podcasten

Leadership in Black and White is a weekly podcast hosted by John Siebeling and Wayne Francis. John and Wayne talk to leaders about how to lead in the gray areas of life and develop you as a Christian leader. Leadership in Black and White is powered by World Vision.  Learn how World Vision partners with the local church at