When Your Team Doesn't Like the Manager You Hired | E152

In this episode, Kris Plachy dives into the complex dynamic of promoting employees into management positions and the resulting challenges. Kris unpacks common issues faced by businesses as they transition from small teams to larger management structures. She candidly explores the struggles of transitioning from being an individual contributor to a manager, and details how new managers can unknowingly cause discomfort among their former peers. Kris emphasizes the importance of investing in management training and the significance of developing leadership skills. With real-life examples, she highlights the impact of mismanaged leadership on employee retention and the overall health of the organization. Kris also offers a thought-provoking perspective on the need for clear communication and leadership frameworks to navigate these transitions effectively. The episode provides an insightful look at the complexities of leadership transitions and emphasizes the need for intentional development and support for managers within the organization. Kris's direct and relatable approach offers a refreshing take on the nuances of leadership development and the impact of effective management on a company's success. “You can't assume that if they've worked for you for 12 years, they know how to be like you. And we don't want them to be like you. But we want to be aligned with you.” Key Takeaways From This Episode Challenges of Managing People in a Growing Company: Founder transitioning to a leadership position Importance of Leadership Training: The impact of proper management on business performance and culture Managerial Communication and Expectations: Establishing clear communication and expectations from managers Analyzing Your Manager's Communication Style and misconceptions about authoritative approach and respect in management Investigating Complaints About Managers: Assessing the alignment of managers with the founder's expectations Contact Information and Recommended Resources Connect with Kris Plachy ONE HOUR LEADER Transform your current team into the million dollar self-directed team you wish you had in as little as one hour per week. Private Subscriber List: Get on the list today! TheVisionary.ceo Work with Kris and Her Team: TheVisionary.ceo CEO Boutique Your Business Edit Email: hello@thevisionary.ceo Linkedin Instagram Facebook Pinterest

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For most women, when we are invited to study leadership the teachers, scholars, authorities and models are primarily… men. We are indoctrinated from the time we are born that men are the leaders and that natural male characteristics are the strengths you must also possess to be a good leader. Powerful. Strong. Authoritative. Direct. Assertive. Decisive. These and so many more are attributes that are typically associated with the male model of a leader. And so, for the better part of the last one hundred years as women have made their way into the fold, in a variety of leadership roles, we have learned and studied to walk the way of a men to achieve success. Women dismiss their own knowing because we’ve been so indoctrinated in male leadership models. We dismiss what we know for what others tell us to be and how to be seen. There is another way to lead. To be in alignment. To not feel like an imposter. It’s time for the reimagining of leadership. That’s not to disparage any of the progress that has come before us. Progress is progress. For those of us who stand in the footsteps of the women who came before us we are here because of their courage, bravery and resilience. I wonder instead if women equally looked to the characteristics they learned from their mothers for leadership. I wonder if we were taught to lean on different qualities to drive success. I wonder what might happen then? The traditional qualities of mothering are communication, nurturing, listening, strength, support, grace, and yes… love. What if to be the best leader you can be as a woman, you integrated the best of both? This is how women will stand with integrity in their role as leaders. As women, we can be assertive, direct, powerful, and authoritative but we need not only rely on those attributes for success. After 25 years of watching and studying leaders, I can tell you that for sure many traditional male attributes are effective in the short run, but they typically only serve a few. Whereas, when leadership is feminine. When the leader possesses the strengths of femininity and grace the results are for all. This podcast is my like my gentle request and invitation to my fellow female leaders that we reclaim the world leadership as one that is a feminine definition. That we continue to work with all of our allies to build organizations and systems that include more support, collaboration, grace and communication. And that we do so not because we are uncomfortable with the more traditional male-dominating models, but because we truly do know that leadership is a feminine strength and attribute. And the world needs more of us leading. Now more than ever.