Getting a Pay Rise

FREE Training resource. Preparation, evidence and a positive mindset are required for you to enter a conversation on increasing your salary. It is on you to articulate the value you add in achieving the business goals. Firstly, know your company’s process for pay increases and follow it. Gather evidence to demonstrate your positive impact on financial results, team morale, business development and/or innovation projects. Research the benchmark salaries for people in your position and industry and use this as a guide for the amount of increase possible. Using the language of those with a growth mindset articulate your accomplishments, their impact and your desired salary increase.

Om Podcasten

The podcast series “Leadership on the run” offers you on demand solutions to your workplace management & leadership challenges. You will hear frameworks, steps and instructions on how to: Resolve conflict, manage poor performance, influence others, communicate better, set SMART goals, conduct effective meetings, manage & organise your time, build resilience, manage stress, stop team/office gossip, introduce & implement change, negotiate, coach others, conduct difficult conversations, lead a team, engage people, stakeholders and communities, read a P&L sheet and set budgets. One topic per podcast. LN Consulting Australia Pty Ltd Directors Jeanine Browne (M. Bus M. Teach) and Paul Saunders (Psychologist, M. Science) are the people behind the microphones…with an occasional guest. Their aim is to have everyone ‘living their leadership potential’.