Episode 8: Emotions ; الحلقة الثامنة: العواطف

Marhabtayn! In this episode, Lina and I talk about emotions. You can hear I still make mistakes, but it is the beauty of learning! Don't give up :)If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ New vocabulary: مفردات جديدةبشكل عام إنتِ شخص إيجابي أو سلبي؟Are you generally a positive or negative person? إيمتى بيكون عندك أكتر طاقة؟ When do you have more energy?لما تكوني متضايقة، شو بتعملي عشان تحسي حالك أحسن؟When you are upset, what do you do to feel better?إنتِ حساسة؟ إنتِ عاطفية أكتر أو أقل بالمقارنة مع الناس التانيين؟ Are you sensitive? Are more emotional or less emotional compared to other people?بتقدري تتحكمّي بعواطفك منيح؟Can you control your emotions well?سلبيه negative (feminine)إيجابية  positive (feminine)شخص ايجابي  positive personشخص سلبي  negative person متضايق  upsetعاطفي  emotional بيتحكّم ب  to controlبيتعامل مع   to deal withحساس  sensitiveطاقة  energy حزين  sad قوة  strength بكى - بيبكي  to cryبشكل عام  in generalالذكاء العاطفي  emotional intelligence 

Om Podcasten

Hello everyone (or two hellos!) and welcome to the Arabic podcast 'Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn'. My name is Saira and I've been learning Levantine Arabic since 2019. I'm so grateful to have a platform to share my love for the language. In the following episodes, I have conversations in Arabic and openly make mistakes. I hope this encourages you to speak Arabic confidently and without fear. Remember, slow progress is still progress! If you have any questions, please send me a message. I would love to hear from you!Instagram: @marhabtayn_