LM101-038: How to Model Knowledge Skill Growth Over Time using Bayesian Nets

In this episode, we examine the problem of developing an advanced artificially intelligent technology which is capable of tracking knowledge growth in students in real-time, representing the knowledge state of a student a skill profile, and automatically defining the concept of a skill without human intervention! The approach can be viewed as a sophisticated state-of-the-art extension of the Item Response Theory approach to Computerized Adaptive Testing Educational Technology described in Episode 37. Both tutorial notes and advanced implementational notes can be found in the show notes at: www.learningmachines101.com

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Smart machines based upon the principles of artificial intelligence and machine learning are now prevalent in our everyday life. For example, artificially intelligent systems recognize our voices, sort our pictures, make purchasing suggestions, and can automatically fly planes and drive cars. In this podcast series, we examine such questions such as: How do these devices work? Where do they come from? And how can we make them even smarter and more human-like? These are the questions that will be addressed in this podcast series!