Legacy Wealth Ep. 2.13 - Investing In Real Estate In Your 20s w/ Steve Morris

Steven Morris graduated from Bowling Green and decided to become a real estate agent in 2013. While dealing with real estate investors, he learned valuable lessons that would help him later down the road. Through a mess up due to an over abundance in inventory, he happened upon wholesaling and realized he needed to change the way he did business. Instead of the transactional process involved with brokering deals, he began to focus on wholesaling houses and building a portfolio of residential properties. 

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Money’s great. Wealth is better… But Legacy Wealth is where it’s REALLY at! And Legacy Wealth Show host Tim Bratz is on a personal mission to make a million people financially free, and this is just one of the ways he’s doing it. If you’re tired of trading your precious time for an hourly wage (no matter how high…) Or, relying on transactional profits over more massive and passive residual income… Then THIS is your wake-up call. Join Tim Bratz (who has grown a Commercial Empire of multi-family assets worth more than $200 million and 2000+ units in less than 48 months) as he introduces you to his own Mastermind of Wealth Advisors who empowered him to make it happen. And with the power of these millionaire and billionaire strategists behind you, how you can, too. Subscribe now so you don’t miss a single podcast!