Legends Of Grayskull OffWorld #3: ”Dedicated to Travis Bolles”

In today's episode Matt and Shawn once again blast OffWorld along with stowaway Jesse Arnold! We had a topic to discuss but never get around to it! Instead we all just needed a rambling break and just hang out, discussing Spider-Mens and Mythic Legions and so much more! Please note this episode was recorded on December 5th during the Krampus in stock sale. So sit back and enjoy this incredibly delayed episode dedicated in loving memory to Travis Bolles, who hates MOTU but loves rambling! Until next time!

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Fan Podcast exploring the worlds of He-Man, She-Ra, and all the Masters of the Universe. We dive deep into the history and mystery of Eternia. Join us for reviews and discussion about the great stories from all incarnations of the Masters Franchises.