Understanding Economics for a Better World with Dr. Peter Boettke | Let People Prosper Show Ep. 119🎙️

Join me for Episode 119 of the Let People Prosper Show with Dr. Peter Boettke, a Distinguished University Professor of Economics at George Mason University, the BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism, and the Director of the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He recently received the Public Choice Society's highest academic honor for his significant contributions to Public Choice scholarship.In our conversation, Pete discusses the evolution of economic thought, the importance of education in shaping economists, and the role of government in economics. We explore personal experiences that led them to economics, the influence of key figures like Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, and the challenges of public governance. The discussion emphasizes the need for economic literacy, the importance of rules in policy, and the future of economic thought in addressing contemporary issues.Please share and rate the Let People Prosper Show wherever you get your podcasts, visit vanceginn.com for more insights, and subscribe to my newsletter for show notes at vanceginn.substack.com.

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What works best to let people prosper? Join leading free-market economist Vance Ginn, Ph.D. as he works to understand this question through weekly interviews with interesting people on Tuesdays and weekly economic updates on Fridays. His insights build on past lessons, being president of Ginn Economic Consulting, and contributing to more than 15 think tanks while formerly teaching economics in academia and serving as chief economist of the White House's OMB. Dr. Ginn is a Christian, husband, father of three kids, classical liberal, and rock drummer who resides near Austin, Texas.