Let’s talk Marketplace 81: Amazon’s big vendor clean-up - what now? feat. Martin Heubel

What can you do when Amazon kicks you out of the vendor program? Hundreds of brands probably received notice of termination from Amazon a few weeks ago and are now faced with the question of how they can reorganize their business by the beginning of November. Vendor expert Martin Heubel has some helpful tips up his sleeve. The independent consultant from Consulterce used to work for Amazon and is familiar with challenges like this. In the podcast, he explains why Amazon is making this cut right now and why it was already indicated two years ago, how brands can recognize whether they are also at risk of being kicked out, what needs to be considered when switching to Seller Central and what happens to stocked goods and when it makes sense to stay in Vendor Central with the help of a service provider. He also discusses with Ingrid and Valerie why this does not mean the end of the vendor program and why Amazon's focus will shift away from profitability and back to sales growth by fall 2025 at the latest. Newsflash: - Western fashion and shoe brands are increasingly appearing on Shein. https://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/handel/unautorisierter-weiterverkauf-pumas-kampfansage-an-shein/29998420.html - 95 percent of Chinese imports do not meet European safety standards. https://www.fr.de/hessen/asiatischer-online-handel-95-prozent-der-waren-mit-maengeln-zr-93307370.html - American Eagle Outfitters sues Amazon over alleged 'knock-offs' of Aerie products. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/25/american-eagle-sues-amazon-over-trademark-infringement-of-aerie-line.html - The shortened deadline on Amazon for unsaleable stock items only applies to unsaleable customer returns, damaged or expired goods. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/moritz-heller-ab131 0183_amazon-fba-lagerbestaeunde-activity-7239646546030379008-veqa?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop More news every Monday in our newsletter. Register right here! https://www.marketplace-universe.com/newsletter  Note from the sponsor Kaufland: Internationalization with Kaufland: The Kaufland marketplace launched in Austria and Poland a few weeks ago and is now present in 5 countries. In the webinar “Sell globally, launch locally: Your masterclass for Kaufland Global Marketplace” on October 9, Matthias Kluth, Teamlead National Sales at Kaufland Global Marketplace, and retailer Antonio Ligato from G+L will show you what internationalization with Kaufland can look like and what success strategies look like in practice. You will also learn about the marketing opportunities Kaufland offers and which strategies can help increase the visibility of your products. Register for the webinar here: https://realreataccount.clickmeeting.com/global-verkaufen-lokal-durchstarten-deine-masterclass-fur-kaufland-global-marketplace/register  Note from the sponsor ChannelEngine: ChannelEngine will be at the Marketplace Convention on October 24 at 11:45 a.m. and has revealed the secret of who will be a guest: Miro Mevius, Head of Marketplaces at Lampenwelt GmbH, better known internationally under the company name LuCom, will be on stage and will speak exclusively about the marketplace strategy of Lampenwelt. The focus will be on the international expansion strategies and experiences on international marketplaces. Get your ticket right here! https://marketplace-convention.de/tickets/  Chapters: 00:21 Introduction and topic 06:14 Newsflash 19:16 Amazon's Vendor Clear Out: An Overview 23:29 The Impact on Smaller Brands 28:01 Understanding the Scale of Terminations 31:32 Reasons Behind Vendor Cancellations 38:46 Navigating Uncertainty: What Brands Can Do 42:42 Immediate Steps for Affected Brands 47:27 The Role of Service Providers 51:53 Future Predictions for Amazon's Vendor Program

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More than half of all e-commerce sales are generated on online marketplaces - if that's not reason enough for a regular talk show! Marketplace specialists Valerie Dichtl and Ingrid Lommer take up the challenge.