Dimension #3 – what if we grew homes from mushrooms?

Houses made of mushrooms and textiles grown organically? The third episode of "Future Dimensions" focuses on how we can harness the power of innovative materials to change the way we deal with our resources. As part of the episode, Ricardia asks founder Caroline Till to tell her about the whole range of new materials. She visits a lab where a team of architects around Jonathan Dessi-Olive is using fungal cultures to create unexpected things. And talks to designer and entrepreneur Maurizio Montalti about how novel materials are driving innovation and enabling designers to think in entirely new dimensions. Are you looking for additional insights into exciting visions? Explore our website now: https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/art-and-culture/zeitgeist/mercedes-benz-podcast

Om Podcasten

This is for the futurists. The visionaries. The ones bold enough to dream about a more beautiful tomorrow. We want to take you on a ride into Future Dimensions – an immersive auditive adventure in which we explore the future together, and carve out the paths that take us there. Because shaping the future always starts with a vision. Ready to ride? Explore our website now: www.mercedes-benz.com/en/art-and-culture/zeitgeist/mercedes-benz-podcast Do you want to give feedback on the podcast, ask questions or share your remarks? Feel free to tell us about your thoughts on “Future Dimensions” via podcasts@mercedes-benz.com