Dimension #4 – what if fiction became reality?

What came first – space stories from the 1990s or the smartphone? The fourth episode of the "Future Dimensions" feature podcast by Mercedes-Benz demonstrates how fiction and reality consistently inspire one another. Ricardia talks to architect and film director Liam Young about why fictional worlds are also a reflection of our society. She asks design professor Dennis Cheatham how sci-fi technology is shaping our everyday lives. Learns from science fiction professor Lisa Yaszek why we should all dream of a better world, even in challenging times. And takes a deep dive into the fascination, power and responsibility of fictional stories with Jon Landau – the legendary producer of the Avatar films. Are you looking for additional insights into exciting visions? Explore our website now: https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/art-and-culture/zeitgeist/mercedes-benz-podcast

Om Podcasten

This is for the futurists. The visionaries. The ones bold enough to dream about a more beautiful tomorrow. We want to take you on a ride into Future Dimensions – an immersive auditive adventure in which we explore the future together, and carve out the paths that take us there. Because shaping the future always starts with a vision. Ready to ride? Explore our website now: www.mercedes-benz.com/en/art-and-culture/zeitgeist/mercedes-benz-podcast Do you want to give feedback on the podcast, ask questions or share your remarks? Feel free to tell us about your thoughts on “Future Dimensions” via podcasts@mercedes-benz.com