Dimension #7 – What if AI let us grow beyond ourselves?

The rise of tools powered by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence allows us to create texts, images, videos or ideas with just a few clicks, and the technology is making giant leaps forward every day. In our seventh episode, we explore how this rapid evolution might change our society – and whether creativity will remain something uniquely human or not. To get to the heart of these questions, Ricardia dives into the world of AI art and its implications for creative workflows with a digital artist who goes by the name BLAC.ai. She invites an actual AI model to reflect on itself and tell us more about the nature of both human and artificial intelligence. She also explores what it takes to turn today’s mostly single purpose AI tools into tomorrow’s all-knowing all-rounders.

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This is for the futurists. The visionaries. The ones bold enough to dream about a more beautiful tomorrow. We want to take you on a ride into Future Dimensions – an immersive auditive adventure in which we explore the future together, and carve out the paths that take us there. Because shaping the future always starts with a vision. Ready to ride? Explore our website now: www.mercedes-benz.com/en/art-and-culture/zeitgeist/mercedes-benz-podcast Do you want to give feedback on the podcast, ask questions or share your remarks? Feel free to tell us about your thoughts on “Future Dimensions” via podcasts@mercedes-benz.com