Dimension #9 – What if gaming and reality became one?

Millions of people around the globe play video games. Gaming has become an integral part of daily life, and already now, we’re seeing how games transform how we work, socialize, and learn. In our ninth episode, we’re going one step further – and see how the seamless merging of gaming and reality will change our view on the world and how we act in it. Our host Ricardia talks to gamer and entrepreneur Erin Ashley Simon who opens our eyes to a future where gaming will create greater equality and ground-breaking medical advancement. She invites Professor Thi Nguyen to challenge us to rethink the state of play and clear up the myth of playing being a waste of time. And she learns that the act of play or playing video games is no longer child’s play – but a very real way to stay healthy, to amplify our creativity and happiness, and to become effective problem solvers.

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This is for the futurists. The visionaries. The ones bold enough to dream about a more beautiful tomorrow. We want to take you on a ride into Future Dimensions – an immersive auditive adventure in which we explore the future together, and carve out the paths that take us there. Because shaping the future always starts with a vision. Ready to ride? Explore our website now: www.mercedes-benz.com/en/art-and-culture/zeitgeist/mercedes-benz-podcast Do you want to give feedback on the podcast, ask questions or share your remarks? Feel free to tell us about your thoughts on “Future Dimensions” via podcasts@mercedes-benz.com