15 ADHD & SEQUENCE-SPACE-SYNESTHESIA. A conversation with Psychotherapist & ADHD-Coach Candin Phillips.

Join Maike this week as she sits down with Candin Phillips, a licensed therapist and ADHD coach from the United States. In this episode, they explore the realms of ADHD, synesthesia, and medication, delving into the unique phenomenon of sequence space synesthesia that brought them together. Get ready for personal stories, insightful discussions, listener questions, and the exciting announcement of the "Synnie of the Month" winner for May! Connect with Candin: @humanity_hive Connect with Maike: @synesthes_a www.synesthesia.at www.maikepreissing.com synesthes_a@outlook.com

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What is it like to live with different forms of synaesthesia? What do we know about synaesthesia from a scientific point of view? For this podcast Maike Preissing, psychologist & synaesthesia artist, invited synaesthetes from all around the world to tell their story. In season one we will hear from world-leading scientists, artists, musicians, book authors and neurodivergent people to learn about the beauty and burden of having a uniquely wired brain. If you want to connect, please reach out Instagram: @maikepreissing @synaesthes_a www.maikepreissing.com www.synesthesia.at