GitHub's Feedback Culture: Ryan Nystrom (Director of Engineering, GitHub)

GitHub versus Facebook feedback culture comparison with a breakdown of their key elements and cultural differences. Learn the secrets of a healthy feedback culture both on an organizational and personal level from Ryan Nystrom, Director of Engineering at GitHub.In this interview we're covering:The essential elements of a big company's feedback cultureGitHub vs Facebook feedback culture comparisonFormal performance reviews at GitHubThe benefits of a healthy feedback cultureCrucial elements to build a feedback cultureKeeping feedback usefulHandling strong emotional reactions to feedbackA leader's role in a good feedback cultureGathering feedback as an engineering leaderWhen to avoid giving feedback face to faceHR's involvement in GitHub's feedback cultureExcerpt from the interview:"When I’m encouraging people to share feedback, I tell them to consider their feedback a data point. I used to be nervous about giving critical feedback about others, because I didn’t want to cause trouble for them.As a director, if I hear one thing from one person, but I don’t hear it from anyone else, I consider it a small issue. I’ll look into it and ask around if others are observing the same thing. If I see more corroborating evidence, only then will I consider acting on it.No one is exclusively responsible for the consequences coming from their feedback."Click here to read the full interview!

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