The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf 狼来了的故事-adapted and read in Chinese mandarin

 The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf 狼来了的故事-adapted and read in Chinese mandarin

This episode is adapted from he Shepherd Boy & the Wolf . Love Comprehensible Input- a very effective way in my Mandarin class.



xuemei li 改编

很久很久以前,有一个小男孩在村子附近的山上放羊。有一天,他感到特别无聊。因此,他大声地喊:“狼来啦!狼来啦!”。村民们都跑过来帮助他。当村民们赶到山上的时候,小男孩哈哈大笑起来。“这里没有狼,你们上当了。”小男孩说。村民们感到很生气。几个星期以后,小男孩又感到很无聊。“狼来啦!狼来啦!”他大声地喊。村民们再一次跑来帮助他。当村民们赶到山上的时候,小男孩笑得更厉害了。“这里没有狼,你们又上当了。”小男孩说。村民们都感到非常生气。第二天,有一只狼真的来了。“狼来啦!狼来啦!” 小男孩大声地喊。但是当狼真的来了的时候,没有人再相信他了。没有一个人再来帮忙了。因此,小男孩的羊都跑了。小男孩的羊都没有了,所以他只好独自一个人回家了。


狼      láng            wolf

故事  gù shì         story

很久  hěn jiǔ        long time, long ago

村子 cūn zǐ           village

村民 cūn mín        villager

附近 fù jìn               nearby, close by

放羊 fàng yáng        watch sheep

感到 gǎn dào           to feel

无聊 wú liáo          boring, get bored

大声dà shēng          loudly

喊 hǎn                      to cry, to call out

因此 yīn cǐ               therefore, so, thus

帮助 bāng zhù          to help, to assist

赶到 gǎn dào        to arrive, to rush to

上当 Shàngdàng      be fooled

厉害 lì hài                 intensely

相信 xiàng xìn          trust, believe

独自 dú zì                  alone

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Om Podcasten

Li Laoshi' Chinese Pod is to offer authentic Chinese listening materials to Chinese learners! I am a Mandarin teacher and I love teaching Mandarin! In this pod, I use Comprehensible Input strategies to create topic talkings, adapt stories, legends and fairy tails and make learning fun and accessible. Most of the materials are also used in my Mandarin classes. Hope you like them and hope my Chinese Pod be very helpful for your learning. Support this podcast: