121. "Colon cancer forced me to cut sugar and learn about gut health": Karin

Karin was diagnosed with colon cancer after a routine colonoscopy when she was 51 years old, in January 2020.Yes, she had digestive issues, but this was a shock because she'd always taken care of her health. Karin decided that this wasn't going to be the end of her. After resection surgery, she was lucky not to need chemotherapy or radiation therapy.  Thinking back to when she grew up in the 70s and 80s, Karin remembers that she ate the Standard American Diet, which is full of highly processed foods. But she was generally healthy and slim. Now Karin says that her body looked healthy on the outside, but it wasn't necessarily healthy on the inside. So she decided to look after her diet. The first thing she did was to research and educate herself about nutrition and gut health. She started by listening to her body.  Karin didn't think she ate that much sugar. But all the processed foods she was eating (including condiments like ketchup!) and soda contain hidden sugars and sweeteners and refined seed oils. So she learned to read labels and ingredients lists. In this episode, Karin shares her empowering message and wealth of knowledge about gut health and the importance of eating whole nutritious foods... which automatically excludes sugar and ultra-processed foods!Find Karin here and her Health Yeah Life podcast.To get personal guidance, support, and accountability to live your healthier intermittent fasting lifestyle with less sugar: Join the the After Sugar Club today!To get rid of cravings, especially if you're an intermittent faster, download your 5 tips here.Also check out the Life After Sugar Facebook page, and subscribe to my Instagram account,  TikTok, and to the Life After Sugar YouTube channel.To rate and review this podcast: scroll down in your podcast player on your phone and click on the stars. To leave a review, scroll down a little more and click on "Write a Review". Once you’ve finished, select “Send” or “Save” in the top-right corner. If you’ve never left a podcast review before, enter a nickname. Your nickname will be displayed on your review. After selecting a nickname, tap OK. Your review may not be immediately visible, but it should be posted soon. Thank you! - NettaDisclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

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Welcome to Life After Sugar: Stories to Inspire, with Netta Gorman. The podcast that's not just about sugar, but about your relationship with it, and especially with yourself. This podcast is for you if you know that you need to cut down sugar, but you're not sure where to start, and you're feeling tired, sluggish, and overwhelmed because sugar seems to be everywhere. Get back your energy, lose your extra weight and the stiffness in your joints, get your digestion back on track, without feeling like you're depriving yourself of anything or being on a diet! Here you'll hear inspiring stories of people who cut out sugar in their own way, at their own pace, and for their own reasons. I hope that this podcast will inspire you to discover your life after sugar too! For more details, visit the Life After Sugar website at aftersugarclub.com.