Finding Growth in Your Practice

Join Patrick and Carling for a conversation around this month's theme in Commune Online, join us for classes this month by visiting www.communeyogastudio.comMay’s studio theme is all things GROWTH & EXPANSION 🌀Because as much as we know we can’t control it all - it’s also comforting to stay rooted in the truth that we grow what we sow. And there is something truly magical about watching your hard work and devotion bear fruits.In this month’s classes you can expect the tangible, literal growth that can happen within a single practice, as well as continued repeated patterns from teachers classes over the whole month to experience new perspectives on a familiar task week by week. Get excited for a month full of:Peak Pose PracticesLadder & Mandala FlowsSoft, Expansive Yin YogaFunctional FreedomBackbends & out of the box movementExpansive BreathworkWith all this on the horizon, we want to know what GROWTH means to you!📝 Does growth always mean something BRAND NEW? or can it also mean embracing where/when/how you are?📝 Can we become more aware of our efforts and where we place them?📝 What does a GROWTH MINDSET mean to you?As always, you can download your May Practice Calendar on the first class pages of this month. Don’t forget to listen to or watch the introductory podcast episode that drops this week where we chat more in depth on what the classes this month have in store for you!

Om Podcasten

with 15 years of practice & teaching, a decade+ of entrepreneurship, a few laps around the world, two yoga studios, and toddler in tow; Patrick and Carling share their insight, successes, and failures with listeners each week. Life in Commune regularly features our teaching team at Commune Yoga Studio both Online and in Seattle. Explores inside takes on the Yoga & Wellness industry, resources for yoga teachers, practitioners, and business owners, deep dives into mindfulness, industry guest interviews (and maybe a little pop culture thrown in) to see what it means to truly live a Life in Commune.