Life in Private Staffing | 4.1 Laura Reeves, Silver Swan UK
Silver Swan returns for our 4th season! This season we plan to invite a number of different guests to share their stories of working in the private sector and alongside these episodes we will be releasing Silver Swan episodes where I will be talking to different members of my team about the market in general and discussing different dilemmas which are sent in by our fabulous listeners. If you have an issue at work or a situation which you don’t know how best to handle, then email it in to us and I will discuss it with my team. Today, I chat with our UK private household specialist Laura and we discuss how to get into the private sector, what the difference is here in the UK between a House Manager and an Estate Manager. We also discuss recruitment as a career and what her highs and lows are of recruiting for UHNW individuals. Supported by our sponsor Kelly Dixon, Estate Management Systems and her fabulous new podcast called Dear Billionaire. Use discount code LIFE 25 for any of her products or services on her website.