Episode 13: Catherine learns about nodes via Tupperware containers and Kochava CEO Charles Manning calls in from Idaho!

Austin Moothart LinkedIn Corda Certification Badge #1 Charles Manning LinkedIn Links: Tupperware [r3.com/corda-training](r3.com/corda-training) [r3.com/corda-certification](r3.com/corda-certification) Corda Training Udemy Kochava XCHNG Daily Rolling Chain (DRC) (Page 17 of whitepaper) Shownotes: 00:00 - 07:20 Austin Moothart on Nodes 07:20 - 36:24 Charles Manning on Kochava and XCHNG Host: Catherine Rutter LinkedIn Twitter music by bensound.com Special Guest: Austin Moothart.

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If you are interested in learning more about the blockchain industry and want to hear from some of the brightest thought leaders, tune into this bi-weekly podcast. R3’s Catherine Rutter hosts some of the biggest names in the blockchain world. Be sure to subscribe and rate the podcast!