Episode 48: Carl Wegner, CEO of Contour on Trade Finance

Interested in learning more about how blockchain can help with all the inefficiencies of trade finance? You are listening to the right episode! Carl Wegner, CEO of Contour comes on the podcast to discuss all things global trade and why he believes this tech is going to change the game. Guest: Carl Wegner LinkedIn Twitter Catherine Rutter LinkedIn Twitter Special Guest: Carl Wegner.Links:Contour Website — Learn more about Contour!Contour LinkedInContour TwitterCiti joins Contour trade finance network — Recent announcement on Citi joining the network.

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If you are interested in learning more about the blockchain industry and want to hear from some of the brightest thought leaders, tune into this bi-weekly podcast. R3’s Catherine Rutter hosts some of the biggest names in the blockchain world. Be sure to subscribe and rate the podcast!