Episode 7: Swanson's Take on Wild Cowboys, Lizardcoin, and Lambos

Notes / Links from the episode Todd McDonald Twitter LinkedIn Consensus 2018 Watch Consensus 2018 Consensus & Token Summit overview Amber Baldet Jimmy Song Joe Lubin Amber, Jimmy, Joe Fireside Chat Kevin Rutter LinkedIn Tim Swanson Linkedin Twitter Blog Post Oak Labs Vitalik Buterin Ethereum [LizardCoin – An April Fools joke between R3 and Vitalik!](https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/04/01/ethereum-partners-with-r3cev-on-lizardcoin-bringing-together-the-best-of-centralized-finance-and-blockchain-technology/] Dogecoin Binance referral code [Corda](www.corda.net) Guy Hochstetler, Solution Architect at R3 GDPR Blog Post Jana Moser on GDPR Overstock accepting cryptos Dapps What is an ICO Gdax Coinbase CBDC Confidentiality Paper with Danny Yang and Zooko Wilcox Catherine Rutter LinkedIn Twitter Music by bensound.com Show notes: Consensus 2018 discussion with Todd 00:00-17:20 Interview with Tim Swanson (Accompanied by Kevin!) 17:20-44:25Special Guest: Tim Swanson.

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