Deep Talk About Family, Health Issues And The Creative Process w/ Brandon McCollum

Vulnerability shows its strength yet again in this episode!  We all have our own struggles with ourselves, our family and numerous others things.  Brandon shares his own and does it in such a genuine way that it may be just what you need to hear right now!

Dive into his world:

@bmcc_nge OR @niceguyent on IG

Om Podcasten

This podcast is here to show men how to overcome past trauma and experience emotional freedom so they can create deep, healthy relationships and embody their gift in their work. I believe if we change men we change the world, and the biggest change I see is to have men reconnect with their heart. Men have been taught that feeling emotion makes them "weak", I am here to say that some of the strongest men are tapped into their emotions. And as we learn to tap into our heart, a whole new world opens up that is filled with creativity, depth, joy, abundance and a true sense of freedom.