Episode 42: Healing Your Triggers to Connect with Your Kids, with Crystal Haitsma

What do your emotional trigger points have to do with your kids? They might seem unrelated, but as you’ll learn in this episode, they are deeply entwined. Why healing your triggers will profoundly help you connect with your kids: an interview with @the.parenting.coach Crystal Haitsma   Resources:  * The blog post for this episode: https://ericalayne.co/healing-your-triggers/  * Erica’s 7-night self-care challenge: https://ericalayne.co/unwind/   * Crystal’s podcast: www.coachcrystal.ca/blog

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Life On Purpose with Erica Layne, a podcast to help overwhelmed women find focus and peace. I’m Erica, founder of The Life On Purpose Movement, bestselling author, and a mom of three. I know what it’s like to get so busy meeting everyone else’s needs that you forget to meet your own. Through this podcast, I want to give you full permission to slow down, let go, invest in yourself, and believe that you are enough just as you are.